Friday, September 18, 2015

School Days of an Indian Girl

Indian School in Carlisle, PA

Considering what you have just learned about Indian Schools, read the following excerpts from School Days of an Indian Girl by Zitkala-Sa, and respond to the question below.

Section I, II, and III

Post your response in the comment section below - between 5 and 10 sentences.

Consider the injustices Zitkala-Sa and the other children suffered. In a short response, share some opinions on what you have just read. Provide analysis and reflection. Make personal connections. 

Potential points of discussion to consider: What stood out to you? How would you have felt in this situation? What should the missionaries have done differently? Do you feel badly for these children? What do you think of Zitkala-Sa? Discuss her personality. Were the Indian Schools a good idea? What made them unsuccessful? Etc.

Your response should have a clear opening and closing sentence. 

Note: This is an academic assignment. To earn full credit, follow all directions. Your response should use proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. No text or chat abbreviations, please.