Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Emerson's Aphorisms

In class we discussed several aphorisms from Emerson's essay Self-Reliance. 

Go to the following website to read more of Emerson's quotes: Emerson Quotes

In a comment below:
- Choose ONE of Emerson's aphorisms
- Start out by displaying your selected quote (use appropriate formatting)
- Explain what the aphorism means
- Explain why you agree or disagree
- Give a real life example or scenario to support your point
- Your response should be a solid paragraph that is at least five sentences long, not including your quote. 

Sample Response:

"Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good."

This quote addresses the fact that there is a lot of negativity in the world, but we shouldn't waste our time and energy ranting about it. That only fuels more negativity. Instead, we should put our time and energy into celebrating and contributing to what is good. I agree with this statement, because although we cannot control and are not responsible for the words and actions of others, we have complete control of and complete responsibility for our own words and actions. Words can wound or heal, and choosing to encourage, uplift, inspire, and point out beauty and success is a much more honorable legacy. I'd rather be known for what I'm FOR than known for what I'm AGAINST. In light of recent terrorist attacks, social media has been riddled with cruel and hateful comments towards people of differing viewpoints. Instead of wasting time "barking against the bad," turning against each other, spreading negativity, and rewarding terrorists with spotlight and attention, we should all focus on the positive stories of heroism, sacrifice, generosity, and the beauty of good.